Board of Directors Meeting
June 18, 2001

Subject To Board Approval
For information only

In the absence of President Hudson, Vice President Ray Phillips called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.

Those answering roll call:

    Northern             Central Southern
David Fleming 
James Foster
Jim McCullough  
Carl Reynolds  
Ken Yamaguchi  
Gary Beer
Donald Bunch
Myles Johnson
Gil Martinusen 
Ray Phillips 
Ron Scholta
Richard Troup 
Donna Battenfield
Virginia Crawford
James Drake
James Edwards
Dan Kirby
Kurt Sachau
Wendell Schroll

Minutes of prior meeting:

Director Beer reported that there was a correction. Correction was to page 8 regarding the golf carts used at the last state shoot - should read a total of 7 carts.

Motion: Bunch Second: Johnson
To approve prior minutes as corrected.
Passed: by voice vote


Secretary read the correspondence that had been received from February 3 to June 18, 2001.

New/Replacement directors:

No zone reported any changes to the current listing. Secretary reminded all zone vice presidents that they had until Friday to submit their final list for presentation during the annual meeting.

State Shoot Committees:

Target setting committee reported that with the corn in the fields this year they were using the radar guns and setting targets at 40 mph and using the elevation stakes on the targets.

Line referee committee reported they still needed a couple of people to work.

Handicap committee reported they could still use some directors.

Trophy committee reported everything was ready.

Shootoff committee reported they were in place but would need directors to work the shootoff fields. It was suggested that trophies not be given out while shootoffs were being pulled in order to lessen the confusion in the handicap room.

Junior program committee reported that through the donations they had received the juniors should not have to pay for targets on the Singles Championships. Juniors that had already checked in were being charged for the targets. Through discussion it was determined that the Executive Committee should meet after the close of this meeting to determine how to handle this.

New Business:

It was reported that there had been a very poor television report given on the State Shoot. Through discussion media chairman Gary Beer reported that he was going to talk to the station again regarding this report and Gil Martinusen reported that he knew the station owner and would talk to him as well.

Dan Kirby reported we have a director that is very vocal on the web site. Reported that in a recent posting concerning PITA targets the comment was made "what kind of deal would you make me to trade my life membership in the ATA and CGSTA plus Central Zone director for equal status in the PITA?" Kirby recommended that this director should no longer be a central zone director and Vice President Phillips responded that he was working on it.

Old Business:

None brought to the floor.

With no further business brought to the floor:

Motion: McCullough Second: Reynolds
To adjourn meeting at 11:39 a.m.
Passed: by voice vote


Subject To Board Approval
For information only


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